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  • Breadrumbs:
  • Dreamweaver CS4 installation on Windows 2003 Server SP2

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    Share With Friends (Updated 6-8-2010)
  • Article ID:
  • Date Created
    Friday, January 21, 2011
  • Last Updated
    Thursday, January 27, 2011
  • This Article Has been Viewed
    2672 times
  • Short Desc
    Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 was not designed and tested on Windows 2003 Server. There for it is unsupported and is not suppose to be installed on the Windows 2003 Server.
  • Details
    Adobe developed the CS Suite to run on Windows XP and Vista but not on Windows 2003 Server. DWCS4 (Dreamweaver CS4) should have been designed to work with Windows 2003 Server, as it is a production machine and at times, work needs to be done on the sites via the server, instead of FTP.
    You will get an Error message letting you know that DWCS4 will only work on Windows XP SP2 and Windows Vista, and for you to discontinue installation of the program until the system meats the installation requirements.

    System Check
    The minimum system requirements listed below are needed to run
    Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 and are not met:

    Windows XP Service Pack 2
    Windows Vista

    Please upgrade or adjust your system to meet these requirements.

    [Quite] [Continue]
  • Recreate Issue
    Adobe has not tested Dreamweaver CS4 on Windows 2003 Server, there for they do not cover no support for its use on this OS.
  • Resolve Issue
    To Resolve this issue.

    To install Dreamweaver CS4 on your Windows 2003 Server w/SP2 follow these simple steps.

    #1: Make sure that your Windows 2003 Server has all the required Updates, Hotfixes and has the latest Service Pack which is SP2.
    #2: Click on the installation program to start the install.
    #3: When you are faced with the Warning about this is not a Windows XP SP2 or Vista, click [Continue]

    In the options section, Uncheck the following
    Adobe Media Player
    Adobe Air
    Adobe Device Central CS4
    Adobe Extension Manager CS4

    After you have unchecked the above items listed, and chosen your Destination Installation directory, click [Continue]

    Installation should proceed without an issue to its completion.
    After installation, click the the shortcut and Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 will launch and you will now be able to edit on your Windows 2003 Server.