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  • Breadrumbs:
  • Windows 7 Relocating Users Folders

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    Share With Friends (Updated 6-8-2010)
  • Article ID:
  • Date Created
    Sunday, January 9, 2011
  • This Article Has been Viewed
    1750 times
  • Short Desc
    Relocating Users Folders in Windows 7 is easier than ever before.
  • Details
    Relocating Users Folders in Windows 7 is a very quick and simple task to perform.
  • Recreate Issue
    To recreate this issue:

    The only issue that this applies to is IF your system crashes and you are unable to save your folders and data before you reinstall the system.
    Maybe the profile gets corrected or any number of other computer related issues and malfunctions can and will at one point or another accure and you will lose all of your data if it is not backed up.
  • Resolve Issue
    To resolve this issue:

    To keep a constant backup of your files and folders within your User profile in your Windows 7 system, perform the following task: (This is a lot safer when it is stored on another drive instead of the same drive but another partition. NEVER perform this on the same drive, as it is a waste of time and space to do this).

    Click [Start]
    Click [Computer]

    When [Computer] opens
    Click on the [Users] folder
    The click on your [Username] Folder

    Perform the following task to each of the folders in this location
    Right click on the folder [Contacts]
    Click [Properties]
    Click on [Location] Tab
    In the edit field, type (or) paste (or) click [Move]
    If you chose:
    Type: Type in the address: D:\Profile\username\Contacts
    Paste: Paste the address into the field from your clipboard
    Move: Click on the [Move] button
    (Instuctions for the [Move] Option, using the drive location address example from above)
    Click on [Computer] (or) [Network]
    Click on the [D] drive
    Click on the [Profile] Folder
    Click on your [username] folder
    Click [Select Folder] Button
    Type in the folder name after the D:\Profile\username\
    So it will look like: D:\Profile\username\Contacts
    (For all the options above perform the following after completing the above chosen task)
    Then click [Apply]
    Then click [Yes] to the [Move Folder] dialog.
    (or) When typing or pasting the Address location, you will have the following dialogs

    When the [Create Folder] dialog opens
    Click [OK] to create the folder D:\Profile\username\Contacts
    Then click [Yes] to the [Move Folder] dialog.