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  • Breadrumbs:
  • The object invoked has disconnected from its clients. [0x80010108]

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    Share With Friends (Updated 6-8-2010)
  • Article ID:
  • Date Created
    Tuesday, April 18, 2023
  • Last Updated
    Tuesday, April 18, 2023
  • This Article Has been Viewed
    816 times
  • Short Desc
    In SQL Server Management Studio, when you Right-click SQL Server Agent and choose Start and receive the following error message, "The object invoked has disconnected from its clients. [0x80010108]".
  • Details
    In [SQL Server Management Studio] (SSMS), when you Right-click [SQL Server Agent] (Agent) and choose Start and receive the following error message, "The object invoked has disconnected from its clients. [0x80010108]".

    There are several reasons this may happen.
    Here we will list all ways in which we have resolved the issue. If you find this is not the resolution to your problem, please check elsewhere online for other articles on this subject.
  • Recreate Issue
    Some scenarios are hard to reproduce. Here we will try to list these issues as we encounter them.

    Scenario #1:
    Always On High Availability [AOHA] Issue
    The [Agent] was not running on the SQLCore-06; however, SQLCore-06 was not the Primary Role server during this time. This very much could have been the cause of the error since 06 was not the primary holder of the account at the time we tried to invoke the [Agent].
  • Resolve Issue
    Scenario #1:
    #1A Always On High Availability Issue
    Make sure when you try to start the [Agent] in a [AOHA] that the server instance associated with the [Agent] is also the Primary Role Instance of the Group.
    If not, disconnect from the [AOHA] and reconnect again in SSMS.
    Then check and see if both are the same.
    Right-click on the [Agent] and choose [Properties]
    On the left panel towards the bottom, you will see [Connection]
    This section will display the Server you are currently connected to.


    Right-click on [AOHA]
    Choose [Show Dashboard]
    When the page opens, you will see the [Primary Instance].
    This instance should be the same as the Agent
    Make sure [Agent] is running

    Option #1:
    In [SSMS]
    Right-click on the [SQL Server Agent] and choose [Start]

    Option #2: (Desktop Experience)
    Open [Control Panel]
    Then [Administrator Tools]
    Then [Services]
    Scroll down to the [SQL Server Group]
    Right-click on the [SQL Server Agent] and choose [Start]

    Option #3: (Server Core (Non-Desktop)
    On a workstation or dedicated Server with Desktop Experience.
    Right-click on the [Start menu]
    Choose [Computer Management]
    When the window opens.
    Right-click [Computer Management] and choose [Connect to another computer...]
    Click the Radio-button beside [Another computer]
    Type in the server instance name (Example: ServerCore-01).
    After the window loads with the connected server.
    Expand [Services and Applications]
    Click on [Services]
    Scroll down to the [SQL Server Group]
    Right-click on the [SQL Server Agent] and choose [Start]