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  • Domain\servername$: The Windows NT 4.0 account name cannot be converted to a fully qualifies distinguisedname on server.domain.local. The name returned with an error.

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    Share With Friends (Updated 6-8-2010)
  • Article ID:
  • Date Created
    Sunday, March 22, 2020
  • This Article Has been Viewed
    622 times
  • Short Desc
    Adding a server to DFS Folder for replication gives Domain\servername$: The Windows NT 4.0 account name cannot be converted to a fully qualifies distinguisedname on server.domain.local. The name returned with an error.
  • Details
    This issue is not well documented on its cause. Google search has several pages that speak about this issue, but could not find anything that was relevant enough to resolve this issue.
  • Recreate Issue
    Recreate this issue.

    I am not sure what caused this issue on my server.
    What I did, was add in a new VM (Virtual Machine) for a 2016 File Server.
    Once I added it into the domain and then went to add it to the DFS folder.
    It gave me another error.
    So, I deleted the Namespace and recreated it, and this is when I found this error.
    Not genuinely sure on the cause of it, or how it happens.
    But nothing I found online would resolve this issue.
    So, I simply tried something, and it worked, please continue reading before.
  • Resolve Issue
    Resolve this issue.

    You will need to remove the Server from the domain and then add it back again.
    The fastest way is to open an elevated command prompt (Administrator)
    Copy and paste this line
    (Replace YouServerNameHere with the actual name of the Server)
    (Replace YourDomain.local with your actual domain name)
    netdom remove YouServerNameHere /domain:YourDomain.local /force

    In the same Command Prompt, you can Reboot the Server
    shutdown /r /t 0
    /r = reboot
    /t 0 = Time to reboot is 0, automatic, no wait time.

    Once the Server reboots, you will need to log in with the Administrator.
    And then rejoin the domain again.

    You can rejoin the domain through Powershell.
    Open Powershell with Administrator Privileges.
    (All below is typed in without the [brackets])
    Type [sconfig]
    Select [1]
    Choose [D]
    Type in the Domain name (Example: My-Domain.local)
    Type in your domain username
    Then type in the password in the Black Command Window.

    Choose to either change the computer name or not.
    Then select to Restart the computer.

    Now, you should be able to add all the computers to the new folder in DFS without any issue.