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  • Windows 7 loosing connection to mapped drives

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    Share With Friends (Updated 6-8-2010)
  • Article ID:
  • Date Created
    Friday, January 25, 2013
  • Last Updated
    Friday, January 25, 2013
  • This Article Has been Viewed
    1763 times
  • Short Desc
    Windows 7 looses connection to mapped drives after a certain period of time has elapsed. This can be very frustrating to the user, especially when they have programs that are dependent to the information that is located in these locations.
  • Details
    When you create a mapped drive in Windows 7, you may notice that it looses connection after a certain period of time. The time is nearly the same with every machine, and this is either by default, or is a bug that have never been corrected by Microsoft.
  • Recreate Issue
    To recreate this issue:

    Within Windows 7, create a Mapped Drive from the network.
    This will put the mapped drive location inside of you [My Computer]
    You can access this drive for up to 12 hours (more or less), before it looses the connection to the mapped drive on the network. You will, however, still be able to access the drive through your My Network, through its original drive letter, and sometimes, you will not be able to access the drive, but, will still be able to access other drives on the networking computer.
  • Resolve Issue
    To resolve this issue:

    In Windows 7, perform the following task.

    Click on [Start]
    Choose [Control Panel]
    Then choose [Credential Manager]
    Open [My Computer]
    Click on [Control Panel]
    Then choose [Credential Manager]

    Click on the [Add a Windows credential]
    [Internet or network address]: (Type in the name of the machine to connect to ex: [My-Server])
    [User name]: (If domain, then type as: Domain-Name\myusername)
    [Password]: (Type in your password)

    The only issue with this, is that Windows tends to delete the credentials, so they have to be added in on every reboot.