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  • Breadrumbs:
  • Recursive Queries - You should not have nameservers that allow recursive queries

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    Share With Friends (Updated 6-8-2010)
  • Article ID:
  • Date Created
    Sunday, September 9, 2012
  • This Article Has been Viewed
    2505 times
  • Short Desc
    When setting up DNS on your server, you may experience issues if you miss a few steps in securing your DNS Server, in this case, you could have recursive queries against your DNS which is not a good thing.
  • Details
    Using the following site:« to run DNS test against your DNS Server, you may encounter the following error.


    Recursive Queries
    I could use the nameservers listed below to performe recursive queries.
    It may be that I am wrong but the chances of that are low. You should not
    have nameservers that allow recursive queries as this will allow almost
    anyone to use your nameservers and can cause problems. Problem record(s) are:

  • Recreate Issue
    To recreate this issue:

    Not creating the Registry KEY for the [NoRecursion], will give you this warning/error.
  • Resolve Issue
    To resolve this issue:

    This article requires you to edit your servers Registry.
    It is strongly recommended that you backup your registry before you conduct this edit.

    Go to [Start]
    Then [Run]
    Type in: [RegEdit] (Without the brackets)

    When RegEdit opens, navigate to the following Key

    Perform the following Task.

    Right Click in the Right pane.
    Select [REG_DWORD]
    Name it [NoRecursion] (without the brackets)
    Double Click, or Right Click and choose [Modify]
    Change its value to [1] (That is the Number One)
    Close out of the Registry.

    Restart DNS
    My Computer > Control Panel > Administrator Tools > Services
    Open [Services]
    Scroll down to [DNS Server] (NOT DNS CLIENT)
    Right Click, Choose [Restart]

    Resubmit your domain to«
    And you should get the following message:

    NS records got from your nameservers listed at the parent NS are: