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  • Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e14'

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    Share With Friends (Updated 6-8-2010)
  • Article ID:
  • Date Created
    Saturday, July 21, 2012
  • Last Updated
    Saturday, July 21, 2012
  • This Article Has been Viewed
    1782 times
  • Short Desc
    This will happen if you are trying to check to much data against a Query.
  • Details
    When running Queries against your database, if you try to throw to much data at the table, you will receive one of the following errors.

    Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e14'
    The data types varchar and text are incompatible in the equal to operator.
    /Inserts.asp, line 41

    Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e14'
    The data types varchar(MAX) and text are incompatible in the equal to operator.
    /Inserts.asp, line 41
  • Recreate Issue
    To reproduce this issue:

    When you run a Query against a Column in your database, and your Query has a lot of data, for example, over 500 Characters, this would be considered an overload on your server. And this will cause an error.

    At the current time, we are unsure how much data can be sent into a Query before this happens, However, we are open to test done and performed with results.
  • Resolve Issue
    To resolve this issue:

    Minimize the amount of data being sent to your database Query. If you drop the amount of data, you will stop the Query from throwing this error, and the Query will then be able to continue the process, without much strain on the server.